Working Papers and Recent Articles
EU publishes CRR III effective as of January 2025
by Viola Rutar
On 19 June, the European Commission released new amendments to the Capital Requirements Regulation (CRR), also impacting credit risk calculations for investment funds.
Help needed on the KVG-Schnittstelle? A fund reporting interface towards your savings banks clients
by Viola Rutar
Fund reporting via Finanz Informatik-Schnittstelle allows asset managers to supply their savings banks clients with comprehensive, up-to-date and high-quality information in a fully automated manner .
Are your ready for the new WM Datenservice template for fund reporting under CRR II?
Without an independent attestation and transparent disclosure a capital charge of 1’250% will be applied from 28 June 2021 onwards.
The standard market risk model of the Swiss solvency test: an analytic solution
by Andreas Niedermayer in Journal of Computational Finance, Volume 12, Number 2
We decided to submit our working paper from old days (2012) and were pleased that it got published in the Journal of Computational Finance.
Solvency II Fields
by Bryce Kovacs, Balazs Mezöfi, Daniel Niedermayer; openfunds whitepaper
Our white paper “Solvency II Fields” introduces 13 fields of the openfunds format to allow asset managers to provide share class level risk information.
Solvency II reporting: How to interpret funds’ aggregate solvency capital requirement figures
by Balazs Mezöfi, Andreas Niedermayer, Daniel Niedermayer, Balazs Marton Süli in Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, Volume 76
We show that aggregating holdings’ SCRs for funds does make sense. However, a cautious interpretation of this figure is necessary.
A Note on Yield Curve Steepness and Solvency II Capital Requirement
by Daniel Niedermayer and Balazs Marton Süli
Yield curve models that include steepness typically produce lower interest rate capital charges for fixed income securities.
Solvency II Reporting – Fondsindustrie stark unter Druck
by Daniel Niedermayer,>
A note in an online magazine on the Solvency II tripartite reporting template and the related challenges the fund industry is facing.
Classifying Solvency Capital Requirement Contribution of Collective Investments under Solvency II
by Balazs Mezöfi, Andreas Niedermayer, Daniel Niedermayer, Balazs Marton Süli
We show how aggregate sub-SCR figures on fund level can be interpreted and how to classify funds according to their ‘worst-case’ Solvency II SCR contribution.
Convertible Bond Pricing
by Balazs Mezöfi
We believe that convertible bonds will be favoured under Solvency II due to their regulatory capital efficiency. This paper describes our CB model implementation which we apply for SCR calculation and portfolio optimisation.
Fulfilling Investment Objectives under Minimal Solvency II Capital Charges
by Andreas Niedermayer, Daniel Niedermayer
We derive an algorithm for minimizing a portfolio’s Solvency Capital Requirement under a broad set of investment contraints (such as on portfolio yield, average rating, duration etc.). The paper is based on EOIPA’s Solvency II Technical Guidelines.
The Effect of Transactions on Capital Charges under the Swiss Solvency Test
by Andreas Niedermayer, Daniel Niedermayer
This paper shows transactions’ effects on an insurance company’s target capital under the linearized FINMA standard market model. In practical applications these results can be used for balance sheet optimization and the computation of assets’ marginal SST contributions.
Implementing the SST Standard Market Model
by Bryce Kovacs, Andreas Niedermayer, Daniel Niedermayer
This article describes the concrete steps for modelling the SST Standard Market Model and serves as guidance for the implementation of SolvencyAnalytics’ quant software.
The Standard Market Model of the Swiss Solvency Test: an Analytical Solution
by Andreas Niedermayer
We derive an analytical solution for the delta-gamma-Monte Carlo method proposed by the Standard Model of the SST. This implementation increases computational speed by a factor of several thousands and allows for applications where a fast implementation is key.
Convertible bonds fulfill their defensive role
by Daniel Niedermayer, Trends Magazine
Die Vorzüge von Wandelanleihen unter Solvency II und dem Swiss Solvency Test
by Daniel Niedermayer, Consultant Newsletter
ETF Selektion
by Daniel Niedermayer, Marcel Wagner and Sacha Widin, Private Magazine
Diversifikationsvorteile dank globaler Anleihen
by Luc Mathys and Daniel Niedermayer
SolvencyAnalytics Awards
SolvencyAnalytics Awards
A Partial Internal Model for Credit and Market Risk Under Solvency II
by Peter Lang
This paper suggests a partial internal model framework that links credit and market risk of an insurance undertaking’s fixed income portfolio under Solvency II. We implement an extended version of Lando (1998)’s reduced-form credit risk model and employ stochastic rating transition intensities in order to incorporate market risk factors into the assessment of portfolio credit risk.
Applying Markowitz’s Critical Line Algorithm in Handbook of Portfolio Construction: Contemporary Applications of Markowitz Techniques
by Andreas Niedermayer and Daniel Niedermayer, ed: John Guerard, Springer
This is a contribution to a book to the honour of Harry Markowitz. It is an explicit formulation of the critical line algorithm that outperforms standard software packages such as Matlab by a factor of several thousands. Other contributions by Paul Samuelson, Frank Fabozzi and others.
Convertible Bonds – Fundamentals, Asset Allocation, Solvency
by Daniel Niedermayer (German and English versions available), Credit Suisse, 60 pages
This Credit Suisse White Paper on Convertible bonds and their role in asset allocation and under Solvency II / Swiss Solvency Test.
Exchange Traded Funds und Anlagestrategien
by Daniel Niedermayer and Marcel Wagner, financialmedia AG, 460 pages
This book (in German language) describes the functioning of ETFs and the index universe on which ETFs are benchmarked on. Moreover, it describes ETF-based, cost-efficient and diversified asset allocation strategies that can be easily implemented by investors.