About us

SolvencyAnalytics is a Zurich based financial consulting firm providing regulatory analytics and reporting services for a variety of clients from the insurance, banking, pension funds and asset management sectors.

Our philosophy

SolvencyAnalytics is a specialised regulatory consulting firm focusing on optimised investment solutions, fund reporting and related client support services. In the core of our business model is the ‘full-service-approach’ philosophy that includes the production of regulatory fund reports, report dissemination and investor consulting.

Our operational product model is to build robust data interfaces to client specific data obtained from custodians, administrators and internal accounting systems as well as from external data sources. The data interfaces allow for input data validation, transformation of client specific data into our standardised format and subsequent production and testing of a variety of regulatory reports. These include Solvency II TPT, QRT, QAD, VAG, GroMiKV, CRR, SST, EMT/EPT and others.

We ensure the highest quality level of our reports with automated input and output data validations and with advanced regulatory analytics including SCR computations as well as multi-level look-through capabilities. The regulatory reports we produce are disseminated through our online platform that is designed to handle different NDA setups and investor specific subscriptions. We handle end investors’ queries directly to facilitate efficient communication and timely solutions as part of our standard service.


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